
Discover the Joy of Improv Comedy, Unleash Your Creativity, and Boost Your Confidence — All on Your Own Terms!


Learn Improv Comedy Without a Group, Class, or Partners to Practice With

A Self-Study Course for People Who Want to Learn Improv Comedy but Can’t (or Don’t Want to) Take a Class or Join a Group!

Have you ever watched an improv comedy show (live or on TV) and thought to yourself,

“wow, I would love to learn how to do that!”?

(Note: Due to some unforeseen issues, the SoloProv Pilot is being postponed until later this summer or Fall. Stay tuned for updates!)

But then you run into one (or more challenges):

  • There's no place to take a class in your area.
  • There's a class but the schedule doesn’t work for you.
  • There's a class you could take but you feel uncertain about learning and performing improv in front of others.

You're not alone. Many aspiring improvisers face the same challenges—lack of access, fear of failure, self-doubt, and the pressure to perform in front of others.

Heck, I have been doing improv for over 30 years and I only got started because a college friend nagged me for over 4 months to give it a try!

Now imagine a program that empowers you to overcome your fears, unlock your creativity, and excel in improv comedy—without needing to attend classes or perform in front of others.

If that sounds good to you, you’re in luck!



SoloProv (short for "solo improv”) is a new digital course I have created to help people like you learn the fundamental skills - and experience the pure joy - of improv comedy, even when taking a class or joining a group is not possible or desired.

With expert-led modules, live office hours, and additional support, SoloProv provides the tools, guidance, and encouragement you need to embrace your creativity and thrive in the world of improv comedy.

By the end of the program, you will have learned and practiced the skills of improv comedy and will be equipped with the confidence and understanding to express yourself creatively, think on your feet, connect with others, and yes, actually perform improv comedy.

Here’s What You’ll Get When You Sign Up

  • Every Monday morning for 8 weeks I will send out an email with a link to a webpage with that week’s lessons.
  • The webpage will have a series of short videos (along with transcripts) that will include instruction on the ideas and techniques, demonstrations of me playing the games or exercises, tips on how you can practice the games and evaluate how you are doing, and exercises and homework for you to work on.
  • Each lesson may also include bonus material in the form of audios or PDF worksheets or instruction.
  • Each week will also have two “Office Hour” sessions where you can ask questions, get feedback, or even practice with Avish.
  • There will be a “break week” with no instruction but with office hours so you don’t feel pressured to go through the material as quickly as possible.
  • There will be an additional week of office hours after the last week’s lessons so you can finish the course and ask any final questions.
  • Enjoy lifetime access* to all course materials, bonus resources, and exclusive content, allowing you to revisit and review the lessons at your own pace. (*lifetime of the course. As long as the course is up, you will have access. If the course comes down, you will have the ability to first download the materials)

Why Participate in the SoloProv Pilot?

Learn Improv Comedy

This course will cover not only the fundamentals of improv comedy, but will also go into advanced ideas on making you improv better, funnier, and more effective. 

Work Within Your Own Schedule

A digital course means you can watch the lessons and do the exercises at whatever time(s) work for you. No need to throw your life upside down to attend a class.

No Need to Worry About Shyness or Insecurity

Most improv groups and classes are welcoming environments, but even still, it can be intimidating to show up to a class and be silly in front of strangers. With SoloProv you don't have to!

Get Personalized Help and Feedback!

PILOT ONLY! As part of the pilot you will get access to office hours where you can ask questions, clear up any confusion, and even get feedback on your improv performance (if you want it)!

Here’s what people are saying about Avish's improv comedy instruction

SoloProv may be new, but I have been teaching improv for a long time. Here are a few nice things people have said about me and my improv comedy instruction

"He knows exactly how to help others..."

"I’d had the pleasure of seeing Avish speak in the past, and knew firsthand how funny and spontaneous he is. The class exceeded my expectations. Avish isn’t just an accomplished improv performer, he really understands the craft. And even more important, he knows exactly how to help others who are less experienced understand and apply the key principles and techniques - and have a lot of fun in the process."

Keith Harmeyer

Partner at SmartStorming, Past-President Florida Speakers Association

Kathleen O'Sullivan


"I’m confident that this experience will really pay off..."

Avish created a safe space for us to “play” and, yes, make mistakes. Whew! I was hoping to gain more insights and experience around showing up, in the moment, authentically (i.e. not over-thinking everything). I gained that and much more. Avish helped us to experience how we can naturally uncover human vs. trying to be funny. I’m confident that this experience will really pay off in my business and personal life.

"He teaches with a clarity that makes comprehension easy..."

Avish seems born to do and teach improv! He's hilarious when he's demonstrating improv and he teaches with a clarity that makes comprehension easy. He creates a "safe space" in which students feel comfortable trying new things, making mistakes, pushing themselves beyond their comfort zones. I'm signing up for a second class because I enjoyed the first so much.

-Lisa Leonard

Voice Actor

What Does it Mean That This is a “Pilot Program”?

All that means is that this is the first time I am doing this program in this way. While this may mean that there might be the occasional tech hiccup or that the production may not be as polished as they will be in the future. However, by participating in the pilot you actually benefit in several ways:

  • I can use your feedback from week to week to make the product better and more personalized to your liking as we go
  • The price will be significantly lower than what the final product will be.
  • There are additional bonuses you get that may not be in the final product.
  • The biggest one of all: You get access to direct help and feedback though the office hours, which will not be in the final product!

The Pilot Program is a win-win: You get great instruction at a discounted price with additional opportunity for help while I get valuable feedback on what works, what needs to be improved, and how I can make the final product better.

Course Content

As a pilot program, the lesson plan and instruction are a bit flexible. However, here are the primary topics I will be covering in the SoloProv Digital Course:


Fundamentals of Improv Comedy and SoloProv

Learn the key principles that make improv work, whether you are performing with others or by yourself. You will also learn the variations and modifications you must make to practice using the ideas of SoloProv vs. a traditional class environment.


Accessing Your Creativity

All people are creative! Most have just forgotten how to access their creativity and have unknowingly put up barriers to tapping into their full creative power. In this module you will learn how to access your true creative genius.


Directing Your Creativity

Accessing your creativity is great, but it is just the first step. Learn how to direct your creativity in a way that makes for better improvisation, more interesting stories, and funnier material. You will also learn how to think more quickly on your feet.



Whether it’s in the form of narrating a story or acting out a scene, story-telling is at the heart of improv comedy. In this module we will take a deeper look at the elements that go into a story so that you can create and tell a well constructed story on the spot.



Many, if not most, of improv comedy games start in the form of a scene: Two or more actors, playing characters, interacting, building a story as they go. You will learn how to apply the storytelling skills to crafting a scene. You will also learn how to practice and perform multi-person scenes with only one actor (you!).



One of the most overlooked elements of great improvisation is the power of emotions. You don’t actually need to be hilarious, clever, or interesting in an improv scene. You just need to react emotionally to what happens in the story in a way that drives interest and creativity. In this section you will learn how to do just that.



The thing I have found that separates great improvisers from good or average ones isn’t technique or experience. It’s mindset. When you approach improv with the right mindset it becomes easy, fun, and joyful. You will learn exactly what that mindset is and how you can practice it.



The type of improv I focus on in my performance and in this course is “short-form game-based improv,” like you might see on" Whose Line Is It Anyway?" A fundamental element of that format is the “interruption.” Either the game rules, the audience, or other people interrupt you and how you respond determines the success of the game. You will learn how to respond to interruptions in a way that leads to greater creativity and better improvisation.


Putting it All Together and Where to Go From Here

In this module, we will combine all the techniques previously covered to practice and perform different improv games. By the end of this module, you will have learned (and hopefully practiced) the foundations of improv comedy to take and apply either on your own as you develop and grow or with others as you use these skills to improve your group performance. We will finish up with a few ideas on how you can continue to practice, learn, develop, and perform improv comedy on your own!


  • Course Start: Monday, 5/6/24
  • You will receive an email Monday mornings with a link to the page with that week’s Module.
  • Office hours:
    •  8pm Eastern time on Thursdays
    • 1pm Eastern time on Fridays.
  • You will receive new modules on 5/6 , 5/13, and 5/20
  • The week of 5/27 (Memorial Day in the US) there will be no instruction sent out so you can catch up. There will be office hours that week
  • You will receive new modules on 6/3, 6/10 , 6/17, 6/24, and 7/1. 
  • There will be two final sessions of office hours the week of 7/8


  • Lessons will be hosted on password protected pages on my site
  • Lessons will be in video format with “lightly edited” transcripts available for download.
  • Office hours will be on Zoom
  • Office hours will be recorded and available for re-watching


Only $97!

(The final course is projected to be $297...)

Yes, you get all 8 weeks of lessons, ability to attend all the office hours and get feedback, help, and additional support, all for the incredibly low price of $97! Not only that, but you also get Bonuses!


Sign Up Now and Get 2 Great Bonuses!

Bonus 1
One 1-on-1 Coaching Call With Avish

In addition to all that you already get for one low price, I am offering everyone who signs up for the Pilot one one-hour coaching session with me!

You can use that time to practice any skills, get direct feedback on how you are playing the games, or to get input and advice on any area of improvisation or beyond!

(Value: $300)

Bonus 2
Access to the Final Course Upon Release

Everyone who signs up for the Pilot program you will receive access to the complete final product (including all bonuses) when it is released (projected to be Fall of this year). So if you're on the fence about the Pilot thinking, "maybe I'll wait for the final product," there's no need! You'll get all the benefits of participating in the Pilot AND get the final course too! 

(Value: $297)

Why I Came Up With SoloProv 

Hi! My name is Avish Parashar and I have been studying, teaching, and performing improv comedy for over 30 years!

Over three decades, I have had very little “formal” training. I did however, consume as much instruction as I could in the form of books and videos. And you know what I found? Every one of those resources (some of which were quite good) require you to have other people to practice the skills and exercises they teach.

This makes sense because improv comedy is almost always a multi-person experience. But it left a void. What about people who couldn’t practice with others? What about people in areas without an improv group or class? What about people with jobs, classes, families, or other responsibilities that made it impossible for them to make a class? And what about the multitudes of people I came across who would love to learn the skills of improv but were shy or introverted?

When I shifted from pure improv comedy performance to keynote speaking, I had to adapt many improv games to be able to perform them with audicence volunteers with no improv training. Then, when the world shut down due to COVID in 2020, I had to adapt again and learn how to perform and practive improv completely on my own. And that was the birth of SoloProv!

100% Satisfaction Guarantee for 30-Days

Unsure if SoloProv is right for you? No worries! Sign up and give it a try and if after going through some of the lessons and joining for an office hours session or two, you decide it is not for you, then just let me know and I will give you a 100% refund!

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A Final Word...

I have been doing improv for over thirty years and the reason I haven't stopped is because it is too much fun, opens up too much creativity, and brings me too much joy to stop. Even if you never get on a stage and perform with other people, I truly believe that simply learning and practicing improv comedy skills and games can be transformative. And from many of my discussions with audience members after shows, keynote speeches, and training workshops, I know that many people have an urge to give improv a try but can't or don't want to take a class. It makes me feel bad to think of so many people who could be enjoying this amazing form but aren't.

I hope you'll join me for this Pilot Program so that not only can you experience the fun and joy of improv but that you can help me bring it to many more people in the future as well!



Avish Parashar Productions, Inc.
