Together We Can Change the World - One "Yes, And" at a Time
The "Yes, And" Evolution!
Are you ready to transform your life, your team, your organization, and the world? Enter your name and email address to join the "Yes, And" community and get free downloadable resources to help start you on your “Yes, And” journey!
Sign up here to register and get login info (or scroll down for more information):
What the "Yes, And Evolution" is All About
The "Yes, And" Evolution is based on a simple idea: “The world would be a better place if everyone started from a default mindset of “yes, and” instead of “yes, but." Why?
- If people said "yes, and" to each other, there would be fewer conflicts and misunderstandings, and people would be more supportive, open-minded, and collaborative.
- If people said "yes, and" to themselves, they would stop playing small and step into their greatness - living lives of greater fulfillment and fewer regrets.
- If people said "yes, and" to change, they'd stop wasting time, feeling stressed, and resisting life, and instead start flowing, adapting, and finding ways to make each change an opportunity for something better.
- If people said "yes, and" to new ideas and their own inherent creativity, they would open up worlds of possibilities, solutions, and joy.
- If the world started from a default “yes, and,” people would create a more inclusive, supportive, and progressive society.
The “Yes, And” Revolution is all about spreading that message as far and wide as possible, and about getting as many people as possible on board with it.
Want to Learn More? Read the “‘Yes, And!’ Manifesto”
YES you may share / forward / pass on the Manifesto AND I hope you do!
About YOU
The Yes, And Revolution is not for everyone. If the Manifesto resonates with you, then you might be the perfect fit for the "Yes, And" community.
This movement is for anyone who:
- Wants to use "Yes, And" to enhance their personal and professional life.
- Believes in making the world a more open, positive, and collaborative place.
- Is passionate about spreading the message of "Yes, And" to others.
Why You Should Join the Community
By joining the "Yes, And" Revolution, you will:
- Contribute to a more positive and inclusive world.
- Gain access to resources and strategies to implement "Yes, And" in your life and work.
- Connect with like-minded individuals who are committed to personal growth and positive change.
- Receive updates, exclusive content, and opportunities to participate in "Yes, And" events and initiatives.
- Be part of a community where you can ask questions, share challenges, get halp and feedback, and support others (Mention platform)
Limited Time Sign-Up Bonus: A Free Copy of my Book, Say, "Yes, And!"
Yup! Sign up now and you will receive a link to a PDF copy of my book. This bonus will only available for a short time though, so if you are on the fence, sign up now!

Bonus: Get a Free 30-Minute “Yes, And!” Call with Me - NO Upsell!
At the time of this writing I just turned 51. Woo-hoo!
To celebrate, I am offering a gift.
Actually, I am offering 51 gifts!
My goal is to deliver 51 Free 30-minute “Yes, And” calls via phone or Zoom.
This session is your chance to talk to me about how you can use "Yes, And" in your relationships, your work, or on yourself.
This is not one of those thinly veiled “discovery calls” where you get little value and are led to sign up for an expensive coaching package at the end.
I have nothing to sell you. And I promise to give as much value as I possibly can in the call.
You don’t even have to sign up to join the Yes, And Revolution (though I hope you will). Just click the button below to schedule your call:
The DREAM: 1,000,000 Yes, Ands!
My ambitious goal is to inspire, empower, and assist 1,000,000 people to say "Yes, And" to themselves, each other, and the world.
By joining the "Yes, And" Revolution, you'll be part of a powerful collective effort to make a lasting impact on individuals and communities globally.
The journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step. And the journey to 1,000,000 "Yes, Ands" starts with a single one.
I hope you’ll be one of the million…
Ready to make a difference? Join the "Yes, And" Revolution and be a part of this transformative journey. Sign up today and let's change the world, one "Yes, And" at a time!
Who's this Avish Guy, Anyway?
Avish Parashar is quite possibly the world's only motivational improviser. He specializes in high-energy, high-content, high-fun programs that empower leaders to navigate change and inspire employees to embrace it. Over his 30+ years of studying and performing improv and his 20+ years of speaking to and working with organizations, Avish has seamlessly integrated the principles of improv into practical strategies that offer actionable insights for handling change. Whether through speaking engagements or tailored training sessions, Avish brings a refreshing blend of wisdom, humor, and actionable takeaways to every audience.