
The Power of a Single Word

individual words pinned to a corkboard spelling out "the only constant in life is change."

Image credit: Iqoncept

I recently updated my defining statement to “I create experiences that help leaders champion change and inspire teams to embrace it.”

It was originally “help leaders lead lead change,” and my friend Chris texted me with a few variations, including using the word “champion.” 

I really liked the switch from “lead” to “champion.”

Why (beyond avoiding the clunkiness of the double use of “lead”)?

Because that is much more descriptive of what I do. And I love it. And it is important.

There are many amazing consultants out there who will create a change management plan for your organization and help you work through it.

That’s not what I do.

No, my area of expertise is in implementing a “yes, and” mindset, empowering creativity, and promoting communication. In my experience, even the best plan will struggle if the people are resistant to change.

By using “yes, and” to communicate and connect with their teams and employees, leaders can allay fears, build rapport, and get people on board with their change initiatives.

Basically, if they properly “champion” change, the change will roll out much more smoothly. As a result, everyone’s lives will be less stressful.

That’s what I help them do. The word just fit.

It is amazing how powerful a single word can be:

Champion vs. lead.

And vs. but.

So simple, but so powerful. 

Is there a word you need to change?

Is there a big shift you can make by simply using a better, more appropriate, more powerful word than you’re using right now?

And if you are rolling out a change that your leaders need help championing or your teams need help embracing, let me know!

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