Image credit: Why It’s Important)“Because it’s a stupid idea. No one’s gonna go for it. Don’t you understand? It’s stupid. It’s stupid…”-Seinfeld; Season 22, Episode 7:  The InvitationsI recently presented a keynote for a conference on using “yes, and” to increase innovation. One of my main points was the importance of saying “yes, and”

How to “Yes, And” Bad Ideas

Image credit: macniak“Fly Eagles Fly?” More like “Cry Eagles Cry!”If you’re a fan of American Football, then you’re probably familiar with the abysmal collapse of my beloved Philadelphia Eagles. Two-thirds of the way through the season they had the best record in the league. And then, they collapsed. Disastrously. Like every soufflé I have ever tried

Act, Analyze, Adjust: Lessons from the Eagles’ Season Collapse

In improv comedy, then general rule is to be flexible and let the improvisation take you wherever it will. To put it another way, in improv you have a “flexible goal,” and a “flexible path.” (I am working on a whole matrix thing about fixed vs. flexible and goals vs. paths…) Off-stage that approach can be

Fixed Goal, Flexible Path (Using the Improv Game “Pardon”)

A simple difference between great improvisers and good, mediocre, or bad improvisers is how they respond to “Happy Accidents.” Here is a short video where I talk more about that (there’s a transcription of the video below): This is very true for improv comedy performance, but it also applies off-stage, when mistakes happen and things

Take Advantage of “Happy Accidents”

One of my favorite improv games is a rather obscure one called “Scenes Without the Letter___.” You can see an example I did for TikTok here (and if you are on TikTok be sure to click here to see my videos and follow me there!): When done right, this game is fun, funny, high-energy, and

Use Change as an Opportunity For Innovation

Here is a quick solo “Ding” I did for TikTok:  What’s interesting is that this recording was my third attempt. I got the idea to do a “Daily Improv” for TikTok while in the shower (don’t visualize…) and I started a quick Ding in my head. Once I was dressed and ready I set up

To Innovate, Change Your Starting Point