Presented by Funny Motivational Speaker Avish Parashar
We can all agree that almost all managers want to decrease stress, increase engagement, and, be outstanding leaders. While there are obvious barriers in the way of achieving this, the real problem can be summed up in two simple words:
“Yes, but.”
Because of overwhelm, stress, emotion, and the desire for efficiency, we often say, “yes, but” to employees, to the changes we inevitably face, and worst of all, to ourselves. That little “yes, but” is seductive and appealing because it allows us to stay in our comfort zone. Yet we know that it is true that the next level of success always lies outside of your comfort zone.
Which means we have to be willing to stop saying “yes, but” and instead say, “Yes, And!”
Good Managers Say, “Yes, But.” Outstanding Leaders Find Ways to Say, “Yes, And!”
In this high-energy, hilarious, and content packed keynote, Avish Parashar inspires your attendees to think differently and stop saying “yes, but” and start saying, “yes, and,” to navigating change, improving engagement, and unlocking the potential of themselves and their teams.
By the end of this unique, hilarious, and content packed keynote, attendees will be able to:
- Stop saying “yes, but” and destroying employee morale and use “yes, and” to inspire, engage, and elevate
- Lead their team and organization past “change-based” overwhelm and stress by focusing on opportunity, progress, and innovation
- Make strong, fast, focused decisions in the face of uncertainty and risk
- Isolate “core success elements” to avoid wasting time, energy, and resources by focusing on things that don’t matter
- Stop making “emotion-based” decisions that prioritize short terms comfort over long term gain

To bring one of these unique creativity keynotes to your next event, contact Avish now via email or phone!