

Say, "Yes, And!"

Can saying two little words really make a big difference in your life? Absolutely, if those two words are,“Yes, And.”

Whether you are a manager of a company, a freelancer, a small business owner, a corporate executive, or simply a person who wants to get more out of their time, relationships, and life, this fun little book will help you figure out where you have been saying, “yes, but,” and teach you how to transform your results by switching to “Yes, And.”

This book doesn’t claim to know it all. But it will show you how to find the answers you need by saying two simple words: “Yes, And”

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Improvise to Success!

Face it: the world is amazingly unpredictable. No matter how prepared you are, or how well you plan, things will go wrong, surprises will happen, and people will do unexpected things. The key to achieving success while maintaining your sanity is to learn how to improvise and flow with whatever life sends your way!Everyone, including you, is improvising every second of every day. Life is not scripted. No matter how much you want things to turn out exactly as planned, life usually has other plans. Life, after all, is the ultimate improvisation.This book will give you the tools and techniques to improvise with anything that life throws your way!

Volume Orders (more than 25 copies):

25-99: $12 per book, free US Shipping

100-999: $9.00 per book, free US Shipping

1000+: $7.50 per book, free US Shipping

Please Contact us now to place a volume order now!

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