Image credit: stanciuc1I have been playing too small.In my life, in my business, and with “yes, and.”I believe in the power of “yes, and,” and I have been practicing it, writing about it, and speaking on it for decades.But my insecurity, fear of pushback, and desire for approval have made me hold back on how

Playing Too Small

Image credit: borysshevchukLast week I sent you an article about the importance of A) starting and B) asking for what you want (if you missed it you can read it here). I also mentioned that I was bad at asking and I was going to work on that. So this is me, taking my own advice,

Will You Say “Yes, And” to Me?

Are you a leader in an organization that is going through a big change? For example, are you rolling out a new software platform, dealing with the evolving landscape of AI, dealing with culture shifts due to mergers, acquisitions, or rapid growth, or dealing with new leadership, mission, vision, or values?If so, I have something (free)

A Playbook for Leading Change (I’d Love Your Feedback!)

In improv comedy, then general rule is to be flexible and let the improvisation take you wherever it will. To put it another way, in improv you have a “flexible goal,” and a “flexible path.” (I am working on a whole matrix thing about fixed vs. flexible and goals vs. paths…) Off-stage that approach can be

Fixed Goal, Flexible Path (Using the Improv Game “Pardon”)

Start strong, make your life easier… Last week I did my first “Open Mat” Improv Practice session, where people of all levels can join me for an agenda-less improv workshop. I have a few things to work on myself and I open the floor and have people tell me what they want to work on.In

To Finish Well, Start Strong

Flakes. Corn flakes, but still…flakes. Are you a flake? Sometimes I feel like I am, and I think, in the right way, that can be a very useful and powerful thing.I recently posted about my new “Show Your Work” strategy (If you missed it, you can read the post by clicking here).I almost didn’t write

In Defense of Proper Flakery